Unlike most international schools, the LFIR is a non-profit organisation : 100% of the school fees go towards the school’s operating expenses and improvement plans.
The school is partly managed by a board of parents (the Management Committee), a group of elected volunteers who represent the community of parents. This committee discusses important topics with the directors of the school and actively participates in decision-making.
As the school is non-profit, and parents play such an important role in its management, parents can rest assured that the best interests of the children are at the heart of all decisions.
When a child registers at the LFIR, their parents become members of the Association of Parents of the LFIR until the end of the child’s attendance.
Every parent elects the members of the Management Committee which oversees the management for the LFIR.
Parents also elect representatives who sit at the “School Council” every term. During this meeting, representatives can share concerns and comments, and be informed of all current matters.
Children too elect a students’ representative, who also sits at the “School Council” and provides invaluable feedback on the children’s experiences at the school.
Any parent of a LFIR student can become either a parent’s representative or a member of the LFIR Management Committee : anyone wishing to volunteer to devote their time and skills for the benefit of the students, the school and their future can simply get in touch with the school or with one of the current Committee members.
The election of new Management Committee members usually takes place in May, when the Annual General Meeting is held. This meeting is also an opportunity to present and discuss the school’s current situation, finances and plans for the future.
For the school year 2022-2023, the Management Committee consists of :
Damien Callegari (President)
Payam Ardalan
Stéphanie Beltramini
Than Htike Aung
Else Thiebou
Laura Ciurea